• You are magic
    Today I affirm

    Today I affirm…

    Today I affirm that what I am attracting is attracting me as well. Manifestation. The laws of attraction.Bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief.If you think it, it will come. While there is some truth to that last part, it goes a lot deeper than just thinking it and it comes to you. Can you imagine the world we would live In if everything we thought just came to us? I would live in a field of wildflowers laced with huge sunflowers throughout with my mermaid fin and my pet Unicorn. My prince charming would ride in on his dragon and we would live happily ever after…

  • beauty in rock bottom
    Story time

    The Beauty In Rock Bottom

    “I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!” “I FUCKING HATE YOU, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. WITH EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE. I SWEAR TO YOU, I FUCKING HAAAAAATE YOU!!” I yelled through gritted teeth and salty tears, slinging my arms around with balled fists in a dramatic display of hatred. All of the words, that up until this point, had been unsaid. All the tears left uncried. All the emotions that I had not allowed my heart to feel…OH I felt them now. It was as if someone had finally lifted the lid off of a pressure cooker. All of it. Years of it. What felt like lifetimes of pain, bubbling up…

  • Brain dump

    It doesn’t matter

    The power of  “This doesn’t matter” You know that moment where the stars align just right and you are smacked in the face with what you can not deny is a sign that the universe? That moment when you feel the slight pull in your gut and that voice in your head that whispers…. “BITCH!!You’ll need this later.” For weeks, you have felt less intense versions of this feeling but ignored it, Until now. It’s too loud and in your face to put your fingers in your ears like a 10 year old and act like you can’t hear. God got tired of your shit… He knows you’ve been getting…