• Story time

    To myself, I promise.

    The sound of my alarm clock played loudly in my ear as I blindly searched, slapping my bed sporadically hoping to hit my phone with my hand.With my free hand, I rubbed my still closed eyes, trying to massage them back to life.I blinked once.Twice.Three times, before I rolled over and scanned my immediate area, snatching the phone up, hitting snooze, and closing my eyes once more. As I lay there trying to will myself back to sleep God blessed me with reminders of the dream my alarm so rudely pulled me out of. I was on a hilltop in a beautiful white lace-trimmed skirt. Hair blowing in the wind,…

  • anxiety
    Brain dump

    Ten ways to get out of your own damn head.

    I recently came across a quote that I felt compelled to share with you guys today. When I read these words on my phone screen I immediately got goosebumps as something about it resonated deep in my soul. I could not believe that I had not thought about this before. I also could not believe that with the many years I spent in therapy, the countless hours I spent describing my symptoms, the many different medications I had put into my body, the many words of advice I received I had never heard these words before. “Anxiety is simply living in the future and depression is simply living in the…