• Story time

    She is better than happy. She is free

    Two and a half years ago I sat face to face with the man I had spent fifteen years building a life with. I looked him dead in the eyes and listened as the explanation of his betrayal spilled from his tongue. “Stormy, I’m going to fuck her“ His eyes moved from the garage floor back to my face as if to gauge my reaction. “When I left the house, I was so mad. I was so hurt. I got dressed up and went out, fully intending to pick up some random chick, but realized.. I do not even know how to do that. So, I called her. He went…

  • Today I affirm

    Today I affirm..

    There is so much magic in surrender. So. I’ve decided to take a much-needed break from social media for a while. It is an idea that I have been going back in forth on for a while, I have taken a few days off here and there, but have not been able to commit to it. Mainly because I have a horrible habit of distracting myself. Distracting myself from all the tough things in life that I just don’t want to face. Distracting myself from my inner work. Distracting myself from doing what I know I need to do. I get comfortable in life and ignore the need to do…