Brain dump

Rejection is God’s protection: A Sunday morning brain dump.

Rejection is God’s protection, I have heard this and many other phrases similar to this many times throughout my life.

“God heard conversation’s that you didn’t hear”
“God sees the intentions that you don’t”
“Rejection is simply God’s way of redirecting you.”

And while, yes, a person who is not willing to sit with themselves and face the shadows that your light illuminates leaving your life is most certainly God protecting you from more trauma but knowing that still doesn’t make the actual rejection any easier.

Yes, God removing that type of energy from your life because it only blocks the true blessings that are meant for you, is most certainly God redirecting you back to what is rightfully yours… but it doesn’t make the grief of having the happily ever after you were sold pulled out from underneath you hurt any less.

The pain of rejection still fucking sucks.

Rejection will immediately trigger those deep abandonment issues that make you feel like you are somehow not worthy of people hanging around. Let’s face it, we all have that voice in our head that likes to tell us if we were more of this or better at that people would stay, when that is just not the truth.

You can be the whole fucking package and still end up on the wrong doorstep.
So, yes, sometimes God has to walk his ass up on that porch, pick up his precious package that was left at the address of some bum ass that can’t even read the shipping label that is clearly marked “WIFE” and take it with him for safekeeping until he can locate the actual location of where that precious package belongs.

It happens sometimes.
And yes, God will snatch his child up with a quickness and keep it pushing.

So please, do yourself a favor and allow yourself to sit with it for a minute.
I know, first hand, that feeling your emotions can be a pretty shitty thing. The easiest thing in the world to do when you are feeling big feelings is to try to numb them. Try to stuff it down and cover it up with anything that will make it go away. Try to busy yourself enough to keep you from thinking about it. Try to fill the void now left in your heart with validation from others.

And when that doesn’t work, and you realize the pain is still there, we tend to develop an obsession over what went wrong. “What more could I have done? How could I have been better”

Sure the feeling of still being in the person’s life by obsessively checking in on what they are doing and chasing them, begging for answers may feel better than letting go does… you are willingly keeping yourself at the wrong address at that point.

That still doesn’t make the pain of it go away.

Sit with it.
Feel it.
Use your precious energy to dig a little deeper into your soul and heal that actual root of why it hurts when someone who doesn’t have the capacity to love at your level leaving still hurts you. Take accountability for healing yourself, even when others around you choose not to.

Instead of wasting your energy distracting yourself or continuing to ask someone to love you in a way they can’t, use your energy to love yourself enough to heal so that when God locates the right address, you can be ready to come in off the doorstep and create a home.

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