• Brain dump

    Be the lighthouse

    Statistically I should be a junkie. I should, at this very moment, be passed out with a needle in my arm. On the dirty floor of a trap house with no running water and man-eating roaches crawling on the walls. I should be outside of the liquor store begging for change to buy my next bottle. Drowning my trauma in tequila. I should be begging that my next fix is the one that finally does me in. But I’m not. I have worked since I was 15 years old to build the life opposite of what I grew up in. I have also watched as that life fell apart. And…

  • Brain dump

    To my future Husband

    My Love, I can remember, as a little girl, dreaming about what my wedding day would look like. Even as a child the same gypsy blood ran through my veins. Pretty white high heels with manicured toes were never in the original plan. Always barefoot. A chain of flowers wrapped around my ankle. Surrounded by the people that loved me most. Birds chirping. Sun shining. Flowers in full bloom. I pictured myself the most beautiful bride there ever was walking slowly down the center aisle headed straight toward the love of my life. Until one day I stopped allowing myself to dream of such a beautiful moment. I stopped allowing…

  • Today I affirm


    I Today affirm that I am in love with being YELLOW!! I have never been a subscriber to coincidence. Even as a child I knew that everything happened with purpose, usually had no idea what the purpose was, but always had to find and keep the faith that there was a reason for it. As an adult, I KNOW without a doubt that every person that is placed in my path is placed there for a reason. The woman that I wanted to yank from the front seat of her car after she flipped me off before cutting me off at the intersection and speeding through the red light… The…

  • Brain dump


    “Shhhit! We are late boy, go brush your teeth and get your ass in the car, we have to get it in gear!” I shot Drake a stern glance as I walked out the door and jumped in the car. Ten minutes later we were zooming through traffic as we made our way to the high school. “Have a wonderful Wednesday, do your best to be your best, and don’t forget how important you are.“ I gave my usual morning speech as he stepped out of the car and made his way up the catwalk stairs toward the hell that awaits freshmen every day. I let out a sigh of…