Today I affirm..
There is so much magic in surrender.
I’ve decided to take a much-needed break from social media for a while. It is an idea that I have been going back in forth on for a while, I have taken a few days off here and there, but have not been able to commit to it.
Mainly because I have a horrible habit of distracting myself.
Distracting myself from all the tough things in life that I just don’t want to face.
Distracting myself from my inner work.
Distracting myself from doing what I know I need to do.
I get comfortable in life and ignore the need to do epic shit… by filling my time with excuses and distractions.
I’m a daydreamer.
Now, there are so many benefits to this ability, but it can also very quickly turn into a downfall.
I often use the highlight reels of other people’s lives to gauge the progress being made in my own life.
I use what others post as a standard for my daydreams.
I set expectations of my reality based on what other people pick and chose to post.
This is my current toxic trait.
Judging my reality based on other fairy tales.
Putting unrealistic expectations on my own journey.
Pretty much, just not practicing what I preach by giving myself grace for my journey. Instead, I’ve been quite the asshole to myself lately.
So, when my best friend told me that she had been having extreme anxiety around her social media feeds and felt like it was a burden, I immediately recognized this as a sign from the universe to follow what my soul had been telling me to do and I volunteered to be her accountability partner through a “Social media detox”
“They” say that it takes 21 days of doing something consistently to create a habit, so we committed to uninstalling social media apps for 21 days and replacing mindless scrolling of social media feeds with more productive habits such as:
Staying caught up on documentation at work…. Which, by the way, has been a pain in the whole ass for the both of us to stay caught up on since being transferred to a new clinic with different expectations than the previous one we worked at. We have both been in danger of losing our jobs after being written up for not meeting productivity several months in a row.
Following better eating habits and making time for an actual workout routine.
For me… not her.
That bish is fit AF and fiiiine as hell.
Taking time for better overall spiritual wellness habits.
This includes replacing the time we would normally be spending scrolling with things like reading books that enhance our lives, meditating, and researching whatever the hell our souls call to us to research.
Really just exploring what we want to create in our reality rather than obsessing about what Chad and Donny did on their boat last weekend.
Now.. This looks different for me than it does for her, as I have a beautiful blog that still needs promoting, so I have a little wiggle room here, I did not uninstall my Facebook, only signed out so that I could still log on and post when I update the blog.
When I tell you that I felt a shift AS SOON as I uninstalled the social media apps, I mean as soon as I pushed uninstall.
“I don’t know why you want me to do this, I know why I NEED to do this, but I don’t know why YOU want me to, so I’m going to trust you. I’m going to allow myself to lean fully into the experience and let whatever flows to me flow to me.“
I closed my eyes, spoke to the universe, and pushed
“Lead the way. I surrender“
Can I just say that you have to be ready when you surrender to the divine.
Once you make space in your life for your blessings, they come to you.
The very next morning, when I got out of the shower, instead of spending my usual thirty minutes drinking my coffee and scrolling through Facebook, I took a few minutes to go through my YouTube recommendations page, which lead me straight to a video on the topic of writing.
Do you know what Genre it was discussing?
I love words.
I love reading words.
I love writing words.
I love saying words.
I love singing words.
I looooooove words.
Even with my deep love for words, I am no literary genius.
I have read all types of books.
But, until I came across this video, I couldn’t tell you the difference between an autobiography and a memoir.
I didn’t know the difference.
I had never really put much thought into the technical process of writing a book, I just knew that sharing my story through my love of words was part of my purpose.
I have always wanted to tell my story, but there are so many stories that I want to tell that I knew they didn’t belong together, in the same book.
God led me directly to the information that I needed the second I allowed him to.
The second that I listened to what my heart was telling me to do and removed the distractions.
The moment I surrendered to the knowledge that there was a purpose behind it.
God led me straight to it.
This is where the magic happens.
In surrender.
So, today I’m asking you.
Are you listening to what your soul is calling you to do?
What is the worst that could happen if you did?
Better yet, what magic is waiting for you on the other side of surrender?