Today I affirm…
Today I affirm that what I am attracting is attracting me as well.

The laws of attraction.
Bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief.
If you think it, it will come.
While there is some truth to that last part, it goes a lot deeper than just thinking it and it comes to you. Can you imagine the world we would live In if everything we thought just came to us?
I would live in a field of wildflowers laced with huge sunflowers throughout with my mermaid fin and my pet Unicorn. My prince charming would ride in on his dragon and we would live happily ever after with very little human interaction, ever.
How awesome would that be?
The reality is that this is not the way the universe works.
It works in divine timing, which means that you must ask for what you want with a grateful heart.
Believe that you deserve what you asked for.
Put yourself in the position to receive what you want.
And be patient while the universe works for you.
Last year my heart was completely broken. I had a wonderful man come into my life and wake up parts of me that I didn’t even realize I needed to be woken back up. I felt actual joy for the first time in a long time. I felt safe to let little Stormy out to play. I felt like a kid again. It was a beautiful experience.
Sadly, he left as quickly as he had come in.
It threw me into the deepest depths of my codependency I had ever felt. Little Stormy had been allowed to express herself in a way that she hadn’t in so long. And just like that, it was over.
I prayed for relief from the pain of my heart being shattered inside my chest. I prayed for a man to come in that would love me and never leave. A man that would love me for me. See me for me. And love me for all of it.
Problem was…. I wasn’t me.
I was a broken version of my old self.
Nowhere near who I am today.
Nowhere near who I will be tomorrow.
Nowhere near who I am meant to be.
I was lost.
Can you imagine if MY MAN would have shown up then?
The kind of man that I want would run for the hills and never come back if he would have shown up and met THAT version of me.
So I begged the universe to give me this epic love.
I begged every night.
I cried and told her that this is what I deserve. I deserve the same kind of love that I give to others.
Because, plain and simple, I do.
But, the problem was that I couldn’t see the experience for what it was. I wasn’t In a position to be grateful for the man that had opened my heart.
So she gave me time to become grateful. She continued to show me what I had to be grateful for. Slowly, I was not only able to feel gratitude for the sunshine that he brought to my life, but I began to feel gratitude for everything. I was able to find beauty in any situation.
After that, I came to her with a grateful heart. I poured my heart out to her.
Every night.
I asked for this epic love. Told her why I deserve it and how grateful I am for the wild journey I am on.
The problem was… though I began clearing space in my heart, I was not clearing space in my life for healthy love.
I was still not in the position to receive this epic love.
At that point, I was still living in the same house as my ex. Still holding resentment in my heart for him. Still holding myself back from the magic I am.
Absolutely nowhere close to being ready to receive him.
But, the universe was beginning to work in my favor.
She started by teaching me true gratitude. Then started to show me the power I truly had. I slowly started to find myself. Started to find things that brought my soul peace. Started to find ways to allow little Stormy out when she was throwing a tantrum to play. Started to be the sunshine I was seeking in others… for myself.
Slowly started to validate me rather than waiting for others’ approval.
I began finding myself and clearing space for a healthy man to find me.
The more I worked for myself I found that the universe was also working for me.
I found that as long as I was doing my work, God was moving mountains in my name behind the scenes.
All in divine timing.
Today, I am in a much better place.
Mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally.
All around.
I have so much more clarity about the way manifestation works because I have learned to trust myself and trust the universe. I know, without a doubt, that my man is coming.
But I have to be happy and healthy on my own before I can receive him.
I say all this to say that if you are struggling today because you have been on your knees begging the universe for change, I’m gonna ask you the same thing the universe asked me.
Do you believe you deserve it?
Are you grateful for the blessings you already have?
Are YOU clearing space for it, so you have somewhere to put it when it comes?
If you can answer yes to all of the above, you must now have faith that things are now falling together.
You must now know that what you are attracting is attracting you as well.
Do your work.
Align yourself.
And have patience.

Perfectly composed subject matter, Really enjoyed looking through. Marnie John Kaela Luce Jdavie Mitman